Course curriculum

    1. Copyright Notice

    2. Welcome

    3. Instructor's Handbook

    1. Starting Student Session #2

    2. Goals

    1. Introduction

    2. Video Assignment- Physical Skills

    3. Video Assignment- Talking Session

    1. Introduction

    2. Standing Up from Frontfloat

    3. Student Sample: Standing

    4. Quiz #7

    5. Buoyance 2

    6. Quiz #8

    7. Back Float

    8. Student Sample: Backfloat

    9. Quiz #9

    10. Sidebar: Back Float

    11. Quiz #10

    12. Side Bar: Water in the Nose

    13. Quiz #11

    14. Nose Protection

    15. Nose cont

    16. Nose cont 2

    17. Case for a nose clip

    18. Quiz #12

    19. Standing from a back float

    20. Quiz #13

    21. Intro to Next Skill

    22. Rolling to Stand

    23. Quiz #14

    1. Going to the Deep End

    2. Deep end In Water Sample

    3. Quiz #15

    1. Self Coaching Wk6

About this course

  • Free
  • 35 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content